Style means authenticity, authenticity means style

Style in photography is much more than repeating the same frames or using a single filter. Some claim that photographing a specific subject, such as stairs or landscapes, is also a form of style. However, clinging too tightly to a particular theme may limit our creativity and natural ability for abstract thinking. It’s not the choice of a specific object that makes your photos unique and recognizable; it should be something deeper within you—a sense of humor, sensitivity, or melancholy.

Style in photography is not something fixed; it evolves, reflecting our artistic growth—or sometimes the lack of it. Let’s ask ourselves: what does it really mean to have one's own style? In the world of photography, almost everything has already been photographed in thousands of ways, making it extremely difficult to find a completely new, unique form of expression.

In the search for your own style, it’s worth considering what motivates us: are we driven by the desire to express ourselves, or by the expectations of others? Comparing ourselves to others often leads us to lose the ability for personal expression, sacrificing authenticity for questionable popularity. This path does not lead to discovering our own style but rather to replicating what has already been done.

We are not addressing here whether someone has the necessary knowledge and skills to express their perception, as it is taken for granted that one should be familiar with their equipment and the basics of photography. This is a parallel topic but not essential to this article.

So, do we really need to worry about whether we have a style? In my opinion, the most important thing is to take pictures of what moves us, what we love, in a way that reflects our emotions and view of the world. It’s this personal message, authentic emotions, and our "here and now" that make photographs truly special—not only for us, but also for others.

Style is not a rigid set of rules but a natural expression of who we are and what inspires us at any given moment. So, allow yourself the unfiltered joy of photography and be in harmony with yourself. Below, you’ll find photos of 20th-century icons that truly radiate their own style (from left - Steve McCurry, Alex Webb, Fan Ho).

Let them inspire you—be bold, be authentic, and your work will speak for itself.

PS. I like detail, contrast, humor, hidden meaning, architecture... Check this in my gallery “get inspired”. Enjoy and inspire..


Courses on Art, Philosophy, and Psychology:

cover photo:

Helen Levitt

