PHU QUOC (Vietnam)

My first time in Asia and... unexpected love - love for people, food, climate, nature... Despite colossal cultural differences, incoherent traffic, noise of colors and sounds, there is something there that can be called harmony. People seem to function as in some system known to them and not understood by others, but very effective and organic. Everything flows in its own time. It draws you in and determines you.

Although communication is quite a challenge, you can get to know this country, scarred by a difficult history, in the company of the kindness and openness of the local people.

My knowledge of the country is based on only one visit, but this country and this region certainly deserve to be better known...

The gallery contains photos from trip to PHU QUOC in November 2022                               All photos taken using THE WALK technique.   Photos taken with iPhone 13, and Fujifilm x100F camera.