Our lives consist of many small lives...

… we are children, we are employees, we are lovers, we are artists, we are bloggers, we are runners... and all these roles we often play simultaneously make up our unique, unquotable life. The more curious, open, and attentive we are, the more we learn and experience from these various areas of life, building our wisdom and then passing it on so that others can benefit from it. Consciously or not, we become multidisciplinary humans.

But can we be multidisciplinary photographers? How can we use this knowledge to become multidisciplinary artists?

In the history of photography, there is an artist who can serve as an example... Mr. Gordon Parks .

Among many 20th-century photographers, it is definitely he who showed how closely related photography is to such disciplines of art as poetry, painting, fashion, film, prose. All of this is adorned with sensitive humanism, that's why his works have the impact of a weapon, forcing the viewer to reflect. His work demonstrates that multidimensionality allows us to become complete and credible artists, and presenting a subject from different points of view has a significantly greater attraction power.

More from Mr. Parks:




Movie trailer about Gordon Parks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZehOkTyrgY

Photos in gallery and cover: Gordon Parks

Photos: My Private Archive


Monotonous boredom


Rules, rules, rules…