ERYK PHOTO invites to…



the photographer within is dedicated to helping you discover and develop your unique photographic style.

Drawing inspiration from history, art, culture, and nature, it emphasizes that photography is not just about capturing moments but also about self-discovery.

Here, you'll find inspiration and learn how to express your personal vision and find beauty in everyday life. Moreover, you'll understand that the essence of photography lies in your unique story, not in the gear you use, the people you know, or the places you've visited.

Whether you're just beginning or looking to refine your skills, this site encourages you to explore the photographer within and see the world through a new, mindful perspective.

Self-discovery is a journey you embark on every day. In the galleries featuring dozens of photos from various parts of the world, taken without any preparation—simply arising from mindfulness and being present—you may find inspiration, self-confidence, your unique style, or simply the courage to pursue your dreams. Let these images remind you that the beauty of the world and the beauty within you are interconnected, waiting to be explored.

Weekly blog posts, inspired by the works of the best photographers of the 20th century, will not only expand your knowledge but also draw your attention to discoveries already made, helping you find your own unique way of expression. We uncover another layer of this beautiful art form... and in the process, we discover a bit more about ourselves. Additionally, you’ll find references to the most interesting websites dedicated to art and photography, as well as recommendations.

My mission is to show you how to find your unique style in photography.

Over the course of more than 20 years in my photography journey—learning, copying, searching, and finding inspiration—I finally discovered my own unique, personal way to show the world as I see it. Gear doesn’t matter. Only YOU and YOUR unique story matter.

Let’s try to uncover and showcase your distinct perspective.

In addition to the educational content on the blog, you’ll also find two courses here that will help you find peace, inspiration, joy in photography, gain confidence, and ultimately discover your unique style.

The courses THE WALK and BE UNIQUE (available soon) complement each other but do not form a complete package. Take the first step toward transforming your photography journey by purchasing one or both of these courses.